In KidCity (ages birth through 5th grade), we have the privilege of investing in the next generation of our church! Far from just being childcare, instead we are partnering with parents in the discipleship of their children. We have multiple opportunities to serve, including check-in team, small group leaders, City Friends Buddy (special needs ministry), and more!
City Students (grades 6-12) serving opportunities include small groups leaders, operations team (concessions/info. booth), and parking/traffic. Our main student programming takes place on Wednesday nights and we would love to have you join our volunteer team!
If you are passionate about pouring into the next generation, we would love to invite you into our College Ministry. We offer Thursday night community groups and mentoring opportunities for all college aged students. Serving opportunities include mentors and community group leaders.
The way of Jesus is best practiced with others. Community Groups meet around the city to live out the values of care, mission, and discipleship. At Church of the City, Community Groups are the primary environment for people to grow in their practices of Bible study and prayer, meet the practical needs of its members and neighborhood, and serve the needs of the community at large.
This amazing team loves people through coffee – and they have a lot of fun in the process – sharing in community with each other and our entire congregation! Opportunities include brewing and serving at the coffee bar.
If you’re a medical professional or first responder, this may be just the spot for you! Team members are on-call during the regular service they attend should a need arise. This team is not often called upon, but greatly appreciated!
The Security team provides a layer of protection during worship services, weekly classes and special events. This team must be able to pass the background check and attend continuing education classes. No previous security or law enforcement experience required – just good observation skills and a willingness to learn!
The simple act of saying hello and welcoming our congregants into the building goes a long way in showing the love of Jesus to our guests. Whether you’re stationed at a main door, inside the church auditorium or with KidCity, you’re the welcoming face that simply says good morning and how can I best guide you!
The host team has the opportunity to greet our congregation with a warm smile and assist those looking for a seat in the auditorium. Hosting is a great way to serve God, serve others, and still attend service!
Communion is a true act of worship in our church, and the teams that set up and/or clean-up are a vital component of our volunteer ministries. This opportunity can be done individually or with your family. Commitment is pretty simple – arriving at 20 minutes before for set up, or staying 20 minutes past service to reset.
Our parking team has the unique privilege of being the first hello and last “have a great week” as we welcome and guide our guests to available parking and exits. We’re a big church and our parking lot is experiencing a lot of change as our congregation grows and our buildings undergo construction projects. The need for the parking team is bigger than ever and opportunities to serve are open before and after each service.
Behind the scenes of every Sunday service and large event, we have a world class team that is rarely seen, but always felt. This team is made up of volunteers in audio, visual, and lighting. We have opportunities for seasoned pros and no previous experience!